Our Vision for Learning
As a school we are passionate about our vision for learning - it explains why we do what we do. This vision is personified by our mascot Ako the Active Learner.

Curiousity is the driving force that sits inside students who engage deeply with learning. It is this wondering that propels them forward and causes them to want to find out more and to ask questions. When teachers are able to stimulate curiousity in students or run with the curiosity they see in students, we have a powerful ingredient for deep learning. That is why curiousity is a key attribute of Ako the Active Learner and something we intentionally desire to grow.

Ako the Active Learner knows that to be a successful learner involves making connections. This means:
1) I connect with others - there is a wealth of knowledge to be shared when we connect with a more abled person and ask for help. This person could be a teacher, friend, family member, or outside expert. We connect in many ways including face to face, letter/email, phone or skype. Connecting with others involves learning how to ask effective questions and listen. Connecting with others works better when we show empathy, humility, patience and perseverance.
2) I connect ideas - new learning occurs when we are able to connect pieces of information (this could be from many sources including past experiences, others ideas, stories we have read, movies we have seen or ideas we have formed). Connecting ideas enables us to form deeper understandings and make better sense of the world around us.
1) I connect with others - there is a wealth of knowledge to be shared when we connect with a more abled person and ask for help. This person could be a teacher, friend, family member, or outside expert. We connect in many ways including face to face, letter/email, phone or skype. Connecting with others involves learning how to ask effective questions and listen. Connecting with others works better when we show empathy, humility, patience and perseverance.
2) I connect ideas - new learning occurs when we are able to connect pieces of information (this could be from many sources including past experiences, others ideas, stories we have read, movies we have seen or ideas we have formed). Connecting ideas enables us to form deeper understandings and make better sense of the world around us.
Ako the Active Learner knows that to learn we need to be able to think, and at a deep level. This means:
1) Setting goals (that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound) 2) Solving problems 3) Reflecting (on what went well and what didn't - "So what?") 4) Setting 'next steps' ("Now what?") Guy Claxton, who is a well known UK education researcher, talks about how, just as we build up our body muscles by exercising them, students need to work on making their “learning muscles” stronger by practising and stretching their thinking. |
Ako supports a growth mindset which comes from first understanding that your brain can grow and with perseverance and giving things a 'red hot go', we can learn. A student with a growth mindset also knows that mistakes are part of learning and that with each mistake we learn what not to do next time. Ultimately with a growth mindset our students will have a positive attitude to learning and develop resilience to work through any learning struggle. For more information click here to look at a short video. |
Just like Ako, it is important that our students are not just consumers of knowledge but also creators and contributors. They face a world that requires them to be problem solvers, designers and innovators that come up with new ideas for the ever-changing world we live in.
Creativity also supports the development of learning through play, improves focus, fosters evaluation, reduces anxiety, allows for freedom of expression and supports passion development. For more information click here to view videos by creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson. |