Reporting to Parents
At Myross Bush School we report to parents about their child's progress and achievement across the year. This is done in a variety of ways and together form a rich and holistic picture of a child's development.
This includes:
This includes:
- "Meet the Teacher" - This is an invitation to meet your child's teachers at the start of Term 1 where they will inform you of the class curriculum, expectations, homework and give you a chance to ask questions. It occurs at the same time we have a community picnic.
- Linc-Ed Hero - This is an online student management system that reports to parents on student progress and achievement. Parents can access this at any time through a locked portal. Key parts include:
- Progress statements against the New Zealand Curriculum.
- Progress line graphs that depict a student's progress over time against the NZ Curriculum (updated at the end of Term 2 and 4).
- Goals for each student's learning in Reading, Writing and Maths (updated termly).
- Progress students are making in line with our School Values (Updated in Term 1 + 3).
- Curriculum Narratives are recorded learning conferences between a student and their teacher using the prompts "So what?" (reflecting on a piece of work) and "Now what?" (setting next steps). These narratives are published twice a year and also include references to the NZ Curriculum and associated learning outcomes, NZ Key Competencies and Ako the Active Learner traits.
- End of Year General Comments which are published at the conclusion of the year summarising the student's progress and achievement.
- Three-Way Conference - This is held at the end of Term 2 for all students and provide an opportunity for the students, parents, and teachers to meet together. The first part is led by the student as they celebrate their work and talk about next steps they are working on. Conferences last for 15 minutes, with the last 5 minutes available to parents if they wish to speak with teachers alone. In the junior school, teachers will assess students at 6, 20, 40, 60, and 80 weeks of schooling. Parents will then be invited to meet to discuss their child's progress.
- Classroom Newsletters - Teachers publish a fornightly newsletter through Linc-Ed Hero to keep parents abreast of the classroom learning programme. References will be made to the class topic focus, achievements, and Second Steps programme. Second Steps is a schoolwide resource that focuses on teaching explicit social and emotional skills.
- Celebrations of Learning - Our school assemblies provide each class opportunities to share their learning with parents four times a year (or once a term). During this time we award students with certificates for demonstrating the School Values, "Ako the Active Learner" traits and achieving other learning milestones.
- Informal Parent Interviews - Parents are welcome to arrange a time with the teachers to discuss their child's progress. This is best arranged via email (click here to view teacher email addresses).